In celebration of CNCminecraft's first anniversary, we are giving you a chance to win 17 Command & Conquer games. Your goal is to build anything related to the C&C series such as buildings or vehicles on the provided starter map.

You may expand beyond the land in the map, but please don't build too far from the islands. entries on different maps will NOT be judged!
2 - Submitting your contest entry
Once you are done building, take a few screenshots, upload your map somewhere (mediafire is a good option), and then post it on our Facebook's group wall. The entry submission deadline is July 24th at 23:59 GMT. no submissions will be accepted after that date.3 - Picking the winners
After the submission date, we will start the judging process by reviewing the entries and rating them based on detail, execution, and presentation. The winner will be announced after a few days after the end of the submission period.- Texture packs, as long as you provide us with a link to it.
- Tools such as MCEdit, WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, etc...
- Teamwork is allowed, but if it proves to cause problems after the judging process when the prize is awarded, the team may be disqualified.
-What's NOT allowed:
- Usage of any mods in your build. All projects must be 100% vanilla.
- Use of builds done by anyone else and especially the CNCminecraft team is prohibited. In other words, it must be your own work.
- Multiple entries by the same person/team is not allowed. Only one entry per person/team.

Post your submissions on our Facebook wall. Here's a list of our current submissions.
Good luck Commander, and God speed!