Popular Skin : Deadeye (CNC Renegade) by Ophyzarr

A High-Quality skin of Deadeye (AKA Dariel MacInnis) of the Dead 6

Popular Unit : Kirov Airship

The Kirov drops TNT bombs and has a TNT reloader. You need to go to the bombing bay to drop the TNT load.

Popular Structure : Nuclear Missile Silo (for Zeppelin mod)

Using zeppelin mod , we were able to open the silo doors and launch the nuke. A video coming soon.

Popular Skin : Natasha (Red Alert 3) by pandaraze

A costum made skin made by our favorite skinner. Be sure to check out his channel.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

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Westwood Studios is an Electronic Arts brand.
Command & ConquerTM, Covert OperationsTM, Red AlertTM, CounterstrikeTM, AftermathTM, Sole SurvivorTM, Tiberian SunTM, FirestormTM, Red Alert 2TM, Yuri's RevengeTM, Command & Conquer RenegadeTM, Command & Conquer GeneralsTM, Command & Conquer Generals: Zero HourTM, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium WarsTM, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's WrathTM, Red Alert 3TM, Red Alert 3: UprisingTM, Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian TwilightTM, Command & Conquer Generals 2TM, Command & Conquer: Tiberium AlliancesTM are all registered trademarks of Electronic Arts, all rights reserved.

CNCminecraft.com is an unofficial fan site, it has no official affiliation with Electronic Arts.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Natasha (Red Alert 3)

Here's Natasha from Red Alert 3, the model was done by pandaraze. Be sure to check out his page!

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Demolition Truck (Red Alert 2)

The Demolition truck is a special suicide unit used by Libya during Third World War.

The Demolition truck, albeit not as powerful as a tactical nuclear missile, can be very effective against enemy units, in particular if in large groups. The trucks were very effective against base defenses, even if they were destroyed before they reached their target. More info here.


Monday, September 24, 2012

GLA Arms Dealer (C&C Generals)

Through an Arms Dealer, the GLA could acquire second-hand, stolen and/or improvised vehicles with which to attack their enemies. The structure also could repair damaged tanks and vehicles. The destroyed Arms Dealer would left GLA Hole which could be rebuild if it was on all cleared.
Snowy007 made these so be sure to check out his  minecraft server.

Minecraft Server IP: