Popular Skin : Deadeye (CNC Renegade) by Ophyzarr

A High-Quality skin of Deadeye (AKA Dariel MacInnis) of the Dead 6

Popular Unit : Kirov Airship

The Kirov drops TNT bombs and has a TNT reloader. You need to go to the bombing bay to drop the TNT load.

Popular Structure : Nuclear Missile Silo (for Zeppelin mod)

Using zeppelin mod , we were able to open the silo doors and launch the nuke. A video coming soon.

Popular Skin : Natasha (Red Alert 3) by pandaraze

A costum made skin made by our favorite skinner. Be sure to check out his channel.

Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Soviet Battle Bunker (Red Alert 2)

"Structure Garrisoned"

After Third World War, a cheap, effective defence was desired by the Soviets. The answer came with the battle bunker. This simple bunker could only be garrisoned by Conscripts and could hold five of these.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Soviet Service Depot (Red Alert 2)

"Unit repaired!"

The purpose-built facility repaired friendly ground vehicles at a cost (depending on how damaged the vehicle is) and remove Terror Droness. A service depot was also required to construct an MCV.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Soviet Barracks (Red Alert 2)

"For Mother Russia!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Soviet Barracks.

The Soviet barracks are a relatively narrow structure, with a large statue of a conscript standing attention atop it. They are designed to inspire pride and awe of the Soviet Union in the infantry recruited from it.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)
MCEdit Schematics

Soviet Ore Refinery (Red Alert 2)

"Building Soviet economy!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Soviet refinery.

The Soviet ore refinery was deployed with a War Miner. After harvesting ore, the War Miner would return to the ore refinery and dump it onto a conveyor that carried it into the building. The Soviet ore refinery is a resource processing building in Red Alert 2.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Tesla Reactor (Red Alert 2)

"2,000 volts coming up!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Tesla Reactor.

Soviet Tesla technology was developed based on theoretical and practical design specs created by Nikola Tesla, as its name implies. The Tesla Reactor is the Soviet Union's basic power plant in Red Alert 2

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

China Command Center

Here's China's Command Center from Command & conquer Generals.  Design made by RainXc and Commando112, update with download coming soon.

Minecraft World Save
MCEdit Schematics

Friday, September 28, 2012

Demolition Truck (Red Alert 2)

The Demolition truck is a special suicide unit used by Libya during Third World War.

The Demolition truck, albeit not as powerful as a tactical nuclear missile, can be very effective against enemy units, in particular if in large groups. The trucks were very effective against base defenses, even if they were destroyed before they reached their target. More info here.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Desolator (Red Alert 2)

This skin was originally made by François Côté, we reshaded the skin to make it look like new.
The Desolator is an infamous Iraqi infantry unit used during Third World War and the Psychic Dominator Disaster.

"There goes the neighborhood!" - Desolator
Created by Soviet-aligned Iraq these voluntary warriors go through tests that would kill them if it wasn't for their radiation suits. Each soldier is equipped with a nuclear battle suit and a rad-cannon. More info here.

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

NEW Chrono Legionnaire (Red Alert 2)

Version 2 of the Allied Chrono Legionnaire from Red Alert 2. We made it to look more like the concept art that Westwood Studios made, What do you think so far?

"I'm gone!"- Chrono Legionnaire

The Chrono Legionnaire is a high-tech Allied soldier, whose suit and weapon were based on the Chronosphere technology. 

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dreadnought (Red Alert 2)

This is the second and final version. We made sure it looks exactly like the one ingame.
This massive ship carries twin rockets which reload faster than conventional land-based V3s. It is intended as a naval siege unit, beside a floating command center. 
"Cruise and fire!" - Dreadnought
This gives them the equal role as the Allied Aircraft Carrier and the Boomer submarine. Dreadnoughts have thick armour and can inflict greater damage than Aircraft carriers, but with reduced accuracy and range. More info here.


Engineer (Red Alert 2)

Engineers are a type of non-combatant infantry unit that can be trained by a commander. Although Engineers possess decent armor, they are normally unarmed, relying on commanders to clear the battlefield for them, or more likely, to be transported. More about the engineer here.

"Studying blue prints!" -Allied Engineer
"I have the information" -Soviet Engineer
 How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skins:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Attack dog (Red Alert 2)

During the Third World War, both the Allies and Soviets used Attack Dogs extensively. The Allies used German Shepherds, while the Soviets preferred Siberian Huskies.

Allied German Sheperd

Soviet Siberian Husky
These powerful canines were raised from when they were pups to be killing machines, and performed extremely well against enemy troops, despite often taking heavy casualties under fire. They were very useful for reconnaissance purposes due to their speed, vision, and expandability. More info here.

Download skin:

Sniper (Red Alert 2)

Snipers are elite SAS operatives aiding the British Allies in Red Alert 2.

Armed with a high caliber bolt-action rifle, SAS snipers are amongst the greatest infantry killers of the war, having an effective range far greater than that of standard infantry units. More about the sniper here.

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Spy (Red Alert 2)

Well if it isn't James Bond himself. Spies were employed by the Allies to gather information from Soviet bases and sabotage them during the Third World War in Red Alert 2.

“Disguise ready!” - Spy
These men could give Allied Commanders information of plans and vulnerabilities to Soviet bases. The spy did this by disguising himself (using a trusty make-up kit) as a Soviet infantryman to sneak into the enemy base. More info about the Spy here.

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Chrono Legionnaire (Red Alert 2)

The Chrono Legionnaire is a high-tech Allied soldier, whose suit and weapon were based on the Chronosphere technology. For this one we used the helmet from Ghost P.'s Chrono and did some edits to the rest of the skin.
The Chrono legionnaire can erase enemies from history using his special weapon, freezing them in time as he methodically erases every trace of the unit from the time continuum.

How to change skins:
Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

GI (Red Alert 2)

G.I's (Government Issue) form the core of Allied infantry in Red Alert 2. 

Each of the GIs is equipped with what appears to be a machine pistol which they used on foot and an M60 heavy machine gun they used in entrenched positions. For protection, each of them had a composite combat vest with shoulder pads and a composite helmet.

How to change skins:

Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Allied Harrier (Red Alert 2)

The AV-8 Harrier is a high speed VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) fighter employed by most of the Allied forces in Red Alert 2. Korea was the only exception, as they used the Black Eagle instead.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Aircraft carrier (Red Alert 2)

Aircraft Carriers are massive navals vessels, essentially floating airfields. Eschewing standard warship armaments in favour of automated aircraft, the aircraft they posess offer them vastly increased range and immense destructive power; though said aircraft are often easy prey for anti-aircraft fire.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sea Scorpion (Red Alert 2)

The Sea Scorpion was a Soviet ship that was fast, cheap, somewhat frail, good against aircraft and, in numbers, good against Allied troops and buildings on the shore and Allied ships.

Crafting time: 3 hours