Popular Skin : Deadeye (CNC Renegade) by Ophyzarr

A High-Quality skin of Deadeye (AKA Dariel MacInnis) of the Dead 6

Popular Unit : Kirov Airship

The Kirov drops TNT bombs and has a TNT reloader. You need to go to the bombing bay to drop the TNT load.

Popular Structure : Nuclear Missile Silo (for Zeppelin mod)

Using zeppelin mod , we were able to open the silo doors and launch the nuke. A video coming soon.

Popular Skin : Natasha (Red Alert 3) by pandaraze

A costum made skin made by our favorite skinner. Be sure to check out his channel.

Showing posts with label tekkit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tekkit. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Firing Sentry Gun (Red Alert 2)

It is a robotic gun turret that uses a rudimentary AI to fire on enemy soldiers and leaves friendly ones unharmed. It is built as a Russian equivelent to the Allied pill box from Red Alert 2.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Soviet Tesla Coil (Red Alert 2)

"Commencing shock therapy" - Tesla Trooper

Here is our improved tesla coil from RA2, where this one is fully operational and actually will zap you if you use it on a bukkit server! so be the first to install one in your base and brighten up your enemy's day!

World Save

note: make sure you enable command blocks on your server from the server.properties config file, and also please install the essentials plugin to make sure it will work.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Soviet Ore Refinery (Red Alert 2)

"Building Soviet economy!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Soviet refinery.

The Soviet ore refinery was deployed with a War Miner. After harvesting ore, the War Miner would return to the ore refinery and dump it onto a conveyor that carried it into the building. The Soviet ore refinery is a resource processing building in Red Alert 2.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

USA Cold Fusion Reactor (C&C Generals)

Here's a collection of USA structures from Command & conquer Generals. Snowy007 made these so be sure to check out his minecraft server. Minecraft Server IP: 

World Save & Schematics
this is included in the world map download as a separate file. how to use them:
  1. extract the .zip file download
  2. open the exacted folder and then open the folder within that
  3. drag all the .schematic files into your schematic folder found in .minecraft
  4. use MCedit to load them into your worlds!

USA Command Center (C&C Generals)

Here's a collection of 
USA structures from Command & conquer Generals . Snowy007 made these so be sure to check out his minecraft server. Minecraft Server IP: 

World Save & Schematics
this is included in the world map download as a separate file. how to use them:
  1. extract the .zip file download
  2. open the exacted folder and then open the folder within that
  3. drag all the .schematic files into your schematic folder found in .minecraft
  4. use MCedit to load them into your worlds!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

USA Supply Center (C&C Generals)

Here's a collection of USA structures from Command & conquer Generals . Snowy007 made these so be sure to check out his minecraft server. Minecraft Server IP: 

World Save & Schematics
this is included in the world map download as a separate file. how to use them:
  1. extract the .zip file download
  2. open the exacted folder and then open the folder within that
  3. drag all the .schematic files into your schematic folder found in .minecraft
  4. use MCedit to load them into your worlds!

Friday, June 29, 2012