Popular Skin : Deadeye (CNC Renegade) by Ophyzarr

A High-Quality skin of Deadeye (AKA Dariel MacInnis) of the Dead 6

Popular Unit : Kirov Airship

The Kirov drops TNT bombs and has a TNT reloader. You need to go to the bombing bay to drop the TNT load.

Popular Structure : Nuclear Missile Silo (for Zeppelin mod)

Using zeppelin mod , we were able to open the silo doors and launch the nuke. A video coming soon.

Popular Skin : Natasha (Red Alert 3) by pandaraze

A costum made skin made by our favorite skinner. Be sure to check out his channel.

Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tesla Trooper (Red Alert 3)

It's been a while since we made a skin! This one is based on the cartoon version. I hope you enjoy it!

How to change skins:

Go to the Profile page. Upload the downloaded skin (.png image file), which will then replace the default skin. 

Download skin

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Soviet Tesla Coil (Red Alert 2)

"Commencing shock therapy" - Tesla Trooper

Here is our improved tesla coil from RA2, where this one is fully operational and actually will zap you if you use it on a bukkit server! so be the first to install one in your base and brighten up your enemy's day!

World Save

note: make sure you enable command blocks on your server from the server.properties config file, and also please install the essentials plugin to make sure it will work.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tesla Reactor (Red Alert 2)

"2,000 volts coming up!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Tesla Reactor.

Soviet Tesla technology was developed based on theoretical and practical design specs created by Nikola Tesla, as its name implies. The Tesla Reactor is the Soviet Union's basic power plant in Red Alert 2

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Monday, July 9, 2012

C&C limited edition Tesla Trooper

Check out this cool Tesla trooper I found on a website, according to Vegel from 51-cent the tesla trooper difficult to paint. Vegel used a lot of washing and dry brushing for the 54mm figurine. We think he did an excellent job!
"One drop of paint is never enough"
"Rubber shoes in motion!"