Popular Skin : Deadeye (CNC Renegade) by Ophyzarr

A High-Quality skin of Deadeye (AKA Dariel MacInnis) of the Dead 6

Popular Unit : Kirov Airship

The Kirov drops TNT bombs and has a TNT reloader. You need to go to the bombing bay to drop the TNT load.

Popular Structure : Nuclear Missile Silo (for Zeppelin mod)

Using zeppelin mod , we were able to open the silo doors and launch the nuke. A video coming soon.

Popular Skin : Natasha (Red Alert 3) by pandaraze

A costum made skin made by our favorite skinner. Be sure to check out his channel.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Soviet Consctruction Yard (Red Alert 2)

"New construction options"

Construction yard is the primary base building in Red Alert 2.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Soviet Barracks (Red Alert 2)

"For Mother Russia!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Soviet Barracks.

The Soviet barracks are a relatively narrow structure, with a large statue of a conscript standing attention atop it. They are designed to inspire pride and awe of the Soviet Union in the infantry recruited from it.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)
MCEdit Schematics

Soviet Ore Refinery (Red Alert 2)

"Building Soviet economy!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Soviet refinery.

The Soviet ore refinery was deployed with a War Miner. After harvesting ore, the War Miner would return to the ore refinery and dump it onto a conveyor that carried it into the building. The Soviet ore refinery is a resource processing building in Red Alert 2.

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)

Tesla Reactor (Red Alert 2)

"2,000 volts coming up!"

(NEW 07/13) Updated a new version of the Tesla Reactor.

Soviet Tesla technology was developed based on theoretical and practical design specs created by Nikola Tesla, as its name implies. The Tesla Reactor is the Soviet Union's basic power plant in Red Alert 2

Minecraft World Save (coming soon)